Christopher Mancini
Problem Solver - Speaker - Polyglot



Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, I live with my wife and three daughters in the Charlotte, NC metropolitan area. I am an avid gamer, Sabres fan and a fearless apprentice always learning new things to tinker with.

As a seasoned software engineer with a diverse range of experience across industries and technologies, I currently work for CircleCI focused on testing and release automation.


Chris is a solid developer, who is continuously gives back to the development community. While at Basho, Chris helped our team find and address inconsistencies across our client libraries, and pushed for the adoption of Ansible as a test harness framework.

Outside of Basho, he was always speaking at one conference or another, evangelizing our products or sharing lessons learned in our interesting engineering corner of the world. His commitment to continual improvement will be highly respected wherever his career takes him.

-- Alex Moore, Engineering Team Lead

I highly recommend Chris Mancini as a speaker at any technology conference or related event. He has spoken at multiple events we host over the years and always does a world-class job. His talks are excellent from a content and delivery standpoint, and they are well received by the audience. In the end, he delivers a lot of value to attendees, which is most important. I can't recommend him highly enough.

-- Todd Lewis, Organizer All Things Open, Great Wide Open, Open Source 101

Chris possesses a rare and wonderful combination of technical expertise, business savvy, innovative thinking and presentation skills. He will bring immediate value to any organization that can leverage those strengths.

While working with Chris at ACBJ on numerous projects, he made recommendations and changes to our email product line that created project & operational efficiency and increased customer interaction. He also became a technical resource to non-technical people, having an ability to translate complex topics for employees and vendors who do not “get code.”

-- Jenny Schafer, Product Manager
